Diane Scaccalosi

A San Francisco native born in 1944, Diane Scaccalosi has been an artist in the Creativity Explored studio since 1990. She is very proud of her Italian-American heritage and loves to talk to people about her memories of growing up in the city’s Italian community.

Though she has experimented with a variety of media over the years, Scaccalossi prefers the versatility and saturated colors of pastels and acrylic paint. Her artwork has evolved over time from being primarily figure-based to mostly abstract. Her older drawings which are crowded with expressive, egg-headed figures, have given way to looser paintings that still incorporate repetitive circular forms, but place more emphasis on color and composition. She began working on a very large scale in 2009, producing an immense, and beautiful, swirling abstract triptych for the Avalon at Mission Bay III residential development.

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