Ethel Revita

Born in the Philippines in 1971, Ethel Revita is now a resident of Daly City. She has been commuting to the city to work at Creativity Explored since 1994.

Reflective of her bright smile and warm nature, Revita’s drawings and paintings are populated with brightly colored, joyful figures suspended against an equally vibrant background. Revita carefully composes each piece so that blocks of solid saturated colors play off of each other for a vibrating effect. The animals and people in her artwork are made up of geometric shapes, resulting in a style that is reminiscent of Native American or Oceanic tribal figures.

Ceramics, textiles, and papier-mache are other media Revita has used in the CE studio. A large horse sculpture she created out of found materials was pictured on the cover of the Creativity Explored general brochure.

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