Cheryle Rutledge

Cheryle Rutledge was born in 1957. She has been working consistently in the Creativity Explored studio since 1999.

For the last ten years, Rutledge’s work involves a series of repeated images of hearts on matte-board and cardboard cutouts of a variety of shapes. Her process involves outlining hearts of varying size in acrylic paint to cover the picture plane and then filling them in with complementary colors. Rutledge works painstakingly on each piece for a surprisingly whimsical result. In 2009 Rutledge began incorporating whimsically drawn figures into her fields of hearts, adding a new and exciting dimension to her work.

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Die Art Brut Akademie Austria sieht ihre Kernaufgabe darin, der einmaligen Kunstrichtung Art Brut jenen Platz innerhalb der österreichischen Kunstlandschaft zu erarbeiten, der ihr im Kontext der gegenwärtigen internationalen Entwicklungen in diesem Feld zusteht.