Michael Kaliakin

We do not have any information concerning this artist who was born around 1910 and died in the eighties. Régis Gayraud wrote : "Michael Kaliakin’s fascination for military ornaments goes back to the folk tradition of embroidery. However, in his drawings the whole human being becomes embroidery, its hair, its moustache are both treated like ornaments. Stalin’s medal takes up all space, the carving of military uniform invades the representation of Kremlin parties, the entire world has become one and the same body. Now Kaliakin’s texts tell us the following : ‘Mr-God-Kaliakin has created the world, the earth, air, water, forests, mountains, seas, oceans, rivers, and lakes. Has created : men, the world of wild animals, fish, birds, technical magical power in the world. Signed : L. Stalin. Certified : L. Stalin.’” (Régis Gayraud, “L’Art brut russe, un goût de pierre à fusil”, in Alexandre Lobanov et l’Art brut en Russie, Paris : abcd, 2003).

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