Brian Kaplan

Brian Kaplan is a devoted draftsman who has the natural ability to create aesthetically pleasing groups of images and colors. His style is marked by meticulously rendered and boldly outlined objects which are then filled with vibrant colors, or sometimes subtle washes, as the mood strikes him. It is easier to come to a full appreciation of Brian’s draftsmanship when viewing one of his engravings where his delicate, spidery line work is unobscured by overlays of color or outlines

Brian comes up with ideas for his artwork independently and he tends to create images that stimulate the viewer to search within the piece for more. His favorite subjects include figural pieces as well as depictions of various forms of public transportation, especially trains and taxis. He designed the cover art of the invite to the two-part “You're in My Space” show at The Chicago Cultural Center and at the Barrington Area Arts Council. He also was featured in an exhibition in his hometown of Algonquin, Illinois at the Algonquin Public Library. Today, he continues to create and exhibit his signature style of imagery.

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