Jack Bilbo

Jack Bilbo (1907-67) was born Hugo Baruch in Berlin. Fleeing from the Nazis, he settled in London in 1936 where, as a self-taught artist, he made and showed work. After a brief internment on the Isle of Man, he returned to London to found the Modern Art Gallery in 1941. There he exhibited work by figures like Picasso alongside refugees and young British painters. His own work is full of wild energy: visionary landscapes, images of devils, ghosts and arcane rituals.

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Die Art Brut Akademie Austria sieht ihre Kernaufgabe darin, der einmaligen Kunstrichtung Art Brut jenen Platz innerhalb der österreichischen Kunstlandschaft zu erarbeiten, der ihr im Kontext der gegenwärtigen internationalen Entwicklungen in diesem Feld zusteht.