Eric Boysaw

Eric Boysaw is a native born San Franciscan. His language, American Sign Language, has influenced many of the artworks he has produced over the years. Eric primarily works with drawing media, using pastel, charcoal, and ink with great precision.

In 2008, Boysaw was one of four artists chosen by Recchiuti Confections, one of our community arts partners, to adorn their Artisan Series of chocolates. In 2011, Boysaw’s work was chosen by CB2, another community arts partner, as the basis for a limited edition rug.

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Die Art Brut Akademie Austria sieht ihre Kernaufgabe darin, der einmaligen Kunstrichtung Art Brut jenen Platz innerhalb der österreichischen Kunstlandschaft zu erarbeiten, der ihr im Kontext der gegenwärtigen internationalen Entwicklungen in diesem Feld zusteht.